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Whether it’s a plant medicine journey or any other kind of psychedelic trip, breathwork, reiki, intense meditation (for example Vipassana) or another mind altering experience, a good preparation and integration is key.

Preparation → (psychedelic) Session → Integration → (if necessary) Psychotherapy

I offer preparation, integration and psychotherapy

An in depth preparation helps you set your intention and aligns you for the journey that you are about to take. It helps you to trust, let go and be open, all beautiful ingredients of a successful (psychedelic) experience. Integration is the journey after the journey. It takes time to process everything mentally, physically and emotionally.

Especially in the case of psychedelic experiences the trip itself is only a part of it all; the real healing comes from the groundwork you put in place before embarking (preparation) and the techniques you use after the trip (integration). Through a transpersonal approach, we investigate its transcendent aspects. Whether a psychedelic experience was therapeutic, religious, recreational, or in any other context, integration is the process of taking the wisdom that arose in the journey and bringing it into your daily life.